Sunday, September 25, 2005

Photos to introduce us...snapshots from our life

Well, since there is a while to go until we actually commence our caravaning adventures, I thought I'd have a go at uploading some pics from earlier travels we've done! Need to actually download a few more to the computer...but to start with, here we are hiking in the Rocky Mountain National Park, in Colorado in September 2004. We travelled there as Adam was invited to a financial planning conference in Denver. We had a fantastic trip and spent plenty of time outdoors doing the things we love.
The other pic is of us in Niseko, Japan, on a ski holiday in February 2004. We had some of the best powder skiing ever!
And the other photos are of Adam and I at home in a place we rented in Port Macquarie during 2004 (we've moved a couple of times since!- be good when we eventually decide to buy our own place and have more stability!) and us out to dinner in Sydney on the day we got engaged in April 2004 (a great day!).
Stay tuned...I'll post some more piccies soon, including some wedding pics hopefully.
But this gives you a little look into our life together so far anyway.
Love Em

Monday, September 19, 2005


Hello all,
I am getting in early and setting up this blog site in readiness for our year of "Aussie Wanderings" next year!

In April, my darling husband, Adam and I are packing up our belongings and our jobs for a year, to travel around our huge, wonderful country for a year with our tiny 1980 model 12 foot pop-top caravan! It is sure to be a life experience we'll never forget and we really can't wait.

While we are travelling we really want to stay in touch with our family and friends and keep everyone updated about where we are and what we are seeing and doing.

That's where this site comes into play! I'll keep regularly updating it, with news and photos (I hope).

So please keep checking in!

Bye for now...
Love Emma.